Kellyann Richards

Cowleys Pest Services

Title: Pest Control Technician
Hometown: Middletown, NJ
Kellyann Richards from Cowleys Pest Services

Kellyann Richards, a Middletown resident, joined Cowleys in April 2023 as one of our Pest Control Technicians, and since day 1, she's been a welcomed and valuable asset to Cowleys!

Kellyann has several years of experience in the pest control industry and, although she was somewhat satisfied with her previous employer, she wanted to grow and learn more about the pest industry with a more family run company. One day she came across our help wanted ad on Facebook and the rest is history! 

When not keeping homes pest-free, Kellyann loves spending time with her family and unwinding at the end of her day with a cup of tea and a good book. 

Videos from projects I was involved with

Before and after photos from jobs I've worked on

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