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Attic insulation with cellulose Saint-Sauveur, Qc

The problem: This client from Saint-Sauveur was feeling that his rooms on the top floor were pretty cold during the winter and really hot during the summer. Plus, on his roof, there was a good amount of ice. So, the client knew there was a problem and he decided to contact us. After this, one of our certified comfort specialists from System Econergie went to his home to evaluate the situation. After the inspection, our specialist found two majors problems in the client attic. First, there was some mold on some joists and the existing fiberglass was old he didn't have enough. 


The solution: We have started by removing the mold that we found with our mold remover Mold-X2. After this being done, we had removed all of the old fiberglass and replaced it with our TruSoft cellulose fiber. We have put over 16 inches to reach an R60 value. After our intervention, this client from Saint-Sauveur has now a well-isolated attic, more comfortable rooms, and a reduced electricity bill regarding his heating and climatization fees. 

Attic Insulation in Prévost, Qc

The problem

Mr. Cadieux contacted Systèmes Éconergie because he had no insulation in his attic. He also felt a difference in the temperature of the rooms in the house, some were colder and some were warmer, which made his house feel uncomfortable.

The solution

Remove the fiberglass insulation, seal all air leaks on the attic floor with expanded foam, add vents for better ventilation and blow out just over 16” of cellulose fibers.


Attic insulation in Montréal-Ouest, QC


Our client in “Montreal-Ouest" area, contacted us after discovering mold within his attic. Our specialist, Karim, visited for a free inspection. During the examination, we identified several other symptoms indicating inadequate attic insulation such as a damp attic evidenced by damaged wood, and deteriorated existing insulation.


We started by removing the old insulation, in order to seal all air leaks underneath, after neutralizing any present mold. Then, we'll blow 17" of our cellulose fiber insulation into the attic floor to achieve an R60 thermal value.

Inadequate Insulaltion in Blainville, QC


Our client, a resident of Blainville, contacted us to inspect his attic. Despite having recently done the insulation, he still feels that the attic is humid. Additionally, the air drafts within the house has not completely disappeared. During her detailed inspection, our specialist, Fanny, pointed out the importance of adhering to the recommended amount of insulation to achieve the appropriate thermal value. The suggested value for most regions in Quebec is R60. However, the existing insulation provides only a value of R30.



We removed the existing insulation to ensure there is no air leakage underneath. Subsequently, we blew in our excellent cellulose insulation to achieve the thermal value of R60. It is important to note that our insulation is fire-resistant, mold-resistant, and eco-friendly.

Attic Insulation in Saint-Laurent, Qc

Mr. Leduc contacted Systèmes Éconergie because he wanted to re-insulate his attic. He did well because his attic was very poorly insulated. In some places there were only 5 in’’ of fiberglass!

We removed the old insulation, sealed all air leaks, insulated the access hatch and blew 16” of cellulose fiber to achieve an R-60 value.

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