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Attic insulation in Kirkland, Qc


Lack of insulation in the attic. This makes the house less comfortable with higher electricity costs.



Remove the old fiberglass insulation to seal the air leaks with polyurethane foam and blow a little more than 16 in. of cellulose fibers to achieve an R60 value.

Attic insulation in Krikland, Qc

The problem

Mr. Benchimol's attic was very poorly insulated and the insulation had not been changed for years.


The solution

Redo the attic insulation, starting by removing the fiberglass to blow out 16 in. of cellulose. This will give an R60 thermal value to the attic.

Cellulose insulation is a highly effective material that will raise your insulation R-value to the recommended levels that your attic needs.


Fixing air leaks in an attic in Kirkland, Qc

The problem

Ms. Doucet contacted Système Econergie, because she had problems with ice dams on her roof in winter. This is due to the poor insulation of the attic and unclogged air leaks.

The solution

To solve this problem, we removed our customer’s old insulation to seal all air leaks (seal joints, holes etc) with our expanded foam. And then we insulated the access hatch with our SilverGlo to finally blow just over 16”of cellulose fiber insulation all over the attic floor.

Insulation of an attic in Pointe-Claire, Qc

The problem

During winter, ice dams and huge icicles formed on the roof of Mrs. Forget's house. A lack of insulation in the attic was the cause of this problem. Even though Mrs. Forget had re-insulated her attic a few years ago, but the same problem had reappeared.

The solution

We removed the fiberglass insulation that was in the attic to seal all air leaks (joints and holes) with expanded foam. Subsequently, we added deflectors to allow better ventilation of the attic. Finally, we blew a little more than 16'' of cellulose fibers to reach an R-60 value.

Air leaks and poor insulation in a attic in POINTE-CLAIRE, Qc

Mrs. Eaves had problems with ice damming on the roof of her house in winter. So she contacted Systèmes Éconergie to re-insulate her attic.

In the attic of her house, there were only 10 inches of fiberglass insulation, which was far from enough. We removed the old insulation, sealed all the air leaks present on the attic floor with our expanded polyurethane foam, and then blew a little more than 16 in of cellulose fibers to achieve an R-60 value.

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